The Alley Way

She walks through the alleys aimlessly.  Hopefully, she has no idea that I am following her because I know who she is.

Finally she just stops abruptly in her footsteps and turns to me, and then asks, “I know you’ve been following me around. Who are you anyway?”

“Before I answer your question, do you have any idea who you are?” I ask her.

She hesitates and looks down to the ground, “I don’t actually. I don’t even know where I’m going,”

“How can I help you then?”

“You can start by telling me my name and what I’ve done.”

“Well, your name is. . .”


This week’s 100 Word Challenge is to use this bit of dialogue……..??? asked ‘How can I help you?’…  .  Check out more entries here.

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13 thoughts on “The Alley Way

  1. Wow! That was an amazing story! I hope you keep on writing more outstanding stories like this one… What happened next???

  2. Lovely!!

    Congratulations for being selected on the 100WC showcase. Just shows how good your writing is!

    What a wonderful imagination you have by the way, i really love your use to speech within this piece.

    well done, keep up your excellent writing

    Mr Overton
    (100WC Team)

  3. Pingback: Nikolaevsk has a Showcase Writer! | Nikolaevsk School

  4. Pingback: Congratulations, Sophia! | Warrior Writers

  5. Congratulations for making the showcase, Sophie! I am having fun as your Creative Writing teacher this semester and can’t wait to see what else you create this year. =)

  6. This makes you waiting for more and it’s really good. I enjoyed reading it because when I was done I wanted to keep reading.

  7. Hello Sophia,

    Congratulations on being chosen for the 100WC Showcase.

    You have written a wonderful beginning to what could be a longer story. Leaving a reader in suspense by not saying the name is a great method for drawing people back to a continuing story. I know I now wonder who she was. 🙂

    Well done!

    @RossMannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher, NSW, Australia

  8. Sophia, this is great. I love your choice of the first person, I feel like it adds to the mystery. You handle the dialogue really well too. Great job on this challenge, I can’t wait to read more.

  9. Wow, Sophia! What a fascinatingly mysterious piece of work – I just want to keep reading more and more! The way you have used the first person really draws your readers in and makes them feel part of the action straight away – you did this expertly: it can be tricky writing in the first person but you managed it really well.
    I can’t wait to read more of your work on the 100wc!
    Mr K 🙂

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