The Evening Life of Bartholomew

Only the best is suited for Bartholomew, from his snobby expensive clothing to the fine foods he has for dinner.

A typical evening for this rich snob would be a short swim in the massive swimming pool in his backyard, then off to go play tennis with friends. They will usually play for an hour or so before they all return to Bartholomew’s for tea and crumpets. He often orders his maids to bring him the best crumpets and tea they have, and then complains about them to his chefs, and more then once the chef has quit and left his mansion.

After his chaps leave, he often will go out on the terrice and watch the sun go down on the horizen, and then he will sigh unhappily at the rich person he has to play, and then he will go to the banquet room to wait for a splended meal that he will have to sit through with his absent parents, who never show up to have dinner with him.

He will then go take a bath and go and sit in his room to read for hours, and end up difting off to sleep.

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